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False Positives Adventures in Technology, SciFi and Culture from Toronto

Friday, June 17, 2005

Accelerando! is released to the wild

Long awaited, Charlie Stross's Accelerando! is available for downloading (and mindloading) under a Creative Commons license, in various formats (use Bit Torrent to save his bandwidth). Then on July 1st buy the book and support a hard working and nice guy.

I'm currently - slowly - reading it, and doing a mental diff with the original short story "Lobsters" ,published in Asimovs in 2001. Noticed a couple updates.

I've previously related mentioned related stories in Jan '05 (and Cory's book is also out very soon), Aug '04. Cory say's Charlie writes like love-child of Vernor Vinge, Neal Stephenson and Hunter S Thompson. That's a good thing!?

What is Accelerando! ? It's the story of several generation of the Macx clan (and their cat) surfing the edge of the Singularity . think: Over-clocked, ADD'ed, slashdoted and future shocked.

Update:I've started reading it on my Palm Zire (71) using Plucker (an offline Web and e-book viewer for PalmOS? suggested by Charlie ) and I like it! (the story and the reading) Much better ( and easier on the eyes ) than doing so on my much older Palm II - which is the last time I tried it. and Plucker works like a charm too! After this I'm going to find some more (non-drm) reading. Tags: / ; Technorati Tags: /

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  • I thought this was a great book. I pre-ordered it from Amazon, then I downloaded it and finished it before the treeware version even arrived.

    By Blogger Graham, at 10:49 AM  

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