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False Positives Adventures in Technology, SciFi and Culture from Toronto

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

VC Finance, or testing the water

Via Scott Loftesness: a personal weblog: Model Venture Financing Documents

These templates are a sample set legal documents (put together by a group of leading venture capital attorneys) consisting of:

Term Sheet, Stock Purchase Agreement, Certificate of Incorporation, Investor Rights Agreement, Voting Agreement, Right of First Refusal and Co-Sale Agreement, Management Rights Letter, Model Opinion Letter, Model Indemnification Agreement

The model documents aim to:

* reflect industry norms
* be fair, biased toward neither the VC nor the entrepreneur, consistent with industry norms
* present a range of “typically seen” options (again, consistent with industry norms)
* include explanatory commentary where necessary or helpful

Also Tim Bray discussesss Bouncing Termsheets, an introduction to the VC Process and terminology.

Two valuable resources in understanding what the norm is and when to walk away. 'Cause when you are very thirsty any liquid can look tempting, even the toxic ones!

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